The prototype of this latest vision correction display is to add two layers of clear plastic film on the iPod screen with a printed pinhole screen to enhance the clarity of the image.
According to foreign media reports, computer scientists and visual experts from the University of California at Berkeley and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology recently collaborated to develop a vision correction screen that allows people with poor eyesight to use smart phones without glasses. , clear images and text are seen on tablets, tablets, and computers. Although this study is still in the early stages of testing, MIT has specifically explained to us how this technology works.

The prototype of this latest vision correction display is to add two layers of clear plastic film on the iPod screen with a printed pinhole screen to enhance the clarity of the image. Each pinhole is only 75 microns in size and 390 microns apart.

Its principle is mainly to combine the optical field display optics with computer computing. Using the programs they developed, the intensity of each pixel on the image can be adjusted based on the user's specific visual defects. In the process known as deconvolution, light is arranged through the pinholes so that the user can obtain a clear image.

In the experiment, the researchers simulated farsightedness and constructed a picture. The picture was taken with a camera, showing a blurred image. Then use their newly designed rectification screen to display pictures, and then use the camera to shoot, resulting in a clear picture. In the latest design, the researchers used the latest algorithms combined with light field display technology to solve the shortcomings of the past can only display low-contrast images.

According to the researchers, according to this technology, a very thin screen protection film can be developed and combined with eye tracking technology to make the user more comfortable. In the future, the application can be further extended to achieve multi-channel correction so that people with different eyesight can share the same screen. Researchers hope that vision problems and some of the more complex visual problems can be constantly improved to adapt their eyesight to the screen.
At the same time, they also stated that this research result may become a very thin layer of screen protection and will eventually be widely used. By then, people will be able to see the screen more clearly without wearing glasses.
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