Hardware and software for managing data collected by onboard sensors - Metadata Analysis

Many of the values ​​of sensor images come from their front, back, left and right relationships. These relationships can be found in metadata (information related to information). For example, metadata tells the analyst the time, last period, location, and height associated with the image. However, since metadata is generally not perfect, some software tools are needed to perform processing such as reverse engineering. The Reticle FMV meta-modification and geo-registration software was included in the latest version of the Moving Image Processing, Utilization and Distribution (PED) suite of software that was launched in May 2013 by 2d3.
2d3's 3-layer pyramid PED products include; TacitView, which enables analysts to discover, filter, view, improve, mark, edit, annotate and publish motion images across departments at all stages of image utilization; Catalina server software enables Analysts associate, archive, search, process, and distribute moving images and other data; Tungsten software development tools.
ReticleFMV integrated into Catalina 3.1 can improve the geospatial data used in map mapping and aiming by correcting the general errors in the FMV captured by the aerial platform. Among them, the optimization function can clean and standardize the live return signal or record the noise data in the file; the real-time geo-registration function can be further improved by adopting the reference digital altitude model and image; and the target improvement coordination function is The position of any point selected by the user on the image is calculated, providing an estimate of the uncertainty as a measure of quality. Each step in the process is based on the previous step.
2d3 not only provides users with tools to process and utilize FMV, Reticle software also takes advantage of its rich computer vision and expertise in FMV and metadata to take image processing and utilization to a new level. The company makes FMV more reliable and easy to use and can be used as a means of sensing geospatial.

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