At the 9.8-day Apple conference, Apple released the new Apple Watch Series 2. Compared with the Apple Watch, Apple not only added numerous feature upgrades to the new watch, but also worked hard on the hardware. The performance of the chip, built-in independent GPS module, enhanced waterproof features, and so on all make the Apple Watch Series 2 look full.
In terms of performance, Apple added the S2 processor to the Apple Watch Series 2, which has doubled the performance of the Apple Watch 1 generation. This has made Apple Watch, which has been ridiculed by insufficient performance, to make up for its weaknesses, even when dealing with complex apps. Can provide users with a smooth interactive experience, another note is that in order to give users a better screen performance, Apple Watch Series 2 screen brightness up to 1000 nits, can fully meet any outdoor conditions.
The most attractive convenience of Apple Watch Series 2 is its built-in independent GPS, so that users do not need to rely on mobile phones to provide positioning capabilities, but also in the waterproof performance has been enhanced, Apple Watch Series 2 waterproof can now reach 50 meters, with Its heart rate sensor allows you to clearly record physical fitness training records on the ground or underwater.
In addition, the appearance of Apple added ceramic version and Apple Watch Nike + Nike launched two new appearances, including Apple Watch Nike + not only on the strap change, it also allows users and Nike + Run Club friends Make interactions to achieve mutual motivation and happy exercise.
Finally, the Apple Watch Series 2 also has the latest watchOS 3 built-in, which not only adds numerous features and applications, but also most surprisingly supports the linkage with Pokémon Go, allowing users to display the elf on the Apple Watch Series 2. Your distance and the elf next to you will remind you that if you are a Pokémon Go player, you may wish to learn about it, its accessories Pokemon Plus will be shipped by the end of September.
Overall, the Apple Watch Series 2 can be seen as an upgraded version of the Apple Watch generation. It is mainly aimed at complementing the soft underbelly of the first generation and guiding users through application. It is worth noting that the Apple Watch generation will also be updated. For the latest Series 2 processor, the others remain unchanged. The pre-order time for the Apple Watch Series 2 is September 9th and September 16th. The selling price is 2188 yuan for the aluminum metal case, 4188 yuan for the stainless steel case, and 2888 yuan for the Apple Watch Nike+. , The new ceramic version is from 9588 yuan, interested friends may wish to take a good look at Oh.
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