Xilinx ASIC-class UltraScale architecture elements and related instructions

ASIC-class UltraScale architecture elements include massive data streams, highly optimized critical paths, enhanced DSP subsystems, 3D IC interchip bandwidth, massive I/O and memory bandwidth, multi-zone-like ASIC clocking, power management, next-generation security and elimination The wiring is congested. The detailed description of each element is as follows:

--- Massive data stream: Optimized for wide bus, supporting the implementation of several Tb-level throughput and minimum latency;

---Highly optimized critical path: Built-in high-speed memory cascading to eliminate bottlenecks in DSP and packet processing;

--- Enhanced DSP Subsystem: Combines critical path optimization with a new 27x18-bit multiplier and two adders to achieve a huge leap point and IEEE 754 standard floating-point arithmetic performance and efficiency leap;

---3D IC chip bandwidth

Provides inter-chip bandwidth stepping function for 2nd generation 3D IC system integration and new 3D IC large-width memory optimized interface;

--- Massive I/O and memory bandwidth

Significantly reduce latency with multiple hardened ASIC-grade 10/100G Ethernet, Interlaken and PCIe® IP cores to support next-generation memory interface functions;

---Multi-area similar ASIC clock

Multi-area similar to ASIC clocks, delivering low-power clock networks with very low clock skew and high performance scalability;

---Power Management

Provides a wide range of static and dynamic power gating across multiple functional elements for significant energy savings;

---New generation security

Advanced methods for AES bitstream encryption and authentication, key obfuscation and secure device programming;

--- Eliminate wiring congestion

Collaborative optimization with Vivado tools enables over 90% device utilization without sacrificing performance or increasing latency.

Teaching Equipment

Special equipment for university physics laboratory

Teaching Equipment,Optical Bench Kit,Optical Instruments In Physics,Electrooptical Modulator Experimental Instrument

Yuheng Optics Co., Ltd.(Changchun) , https://www.yhencoder.com

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