The rapid development of virtual reality makes people see its application scenario is endless. With more and more applications being developed, VR can now help the jury in the development of key presses with VR. The scope is more and more extensive, and the application of virtual reality (VR) seems to be endless. The use of virtual reality technology to restore crime scenes has been proposed before. Now, the professor at the University of Durham in the United Kingdom is ready to use practical actions to realize this whimsical proposal.
In a statement of conversation, it was pointed out that photographs and evidence can often be falsified, and VR can more accurately help you reproduce the crime scene on the data. “The jurors can even feel the scene of this remodeled 3D crime scene, observe the attention of the scene. Each important detail, unlike the edited video, will affect the objectivity of the jury, and this form of evidence simply records each scene, of course, depending on the evidence collected at the site. There was no fraud, and the crime scene was not destroyed by humans."
However, although VR can be as close as possible to the facts, there is also a problem here: the actual accessibility of the head-mounted display (HMD) and the operability of the hardware. However, a professor from the University of Durham in the United Kingdom proposed that a machine similar to NASA's Curiosity Mars can be built, record 360-degree panoramic videos, and use a simple civilian-grade VR device like Google Cardboard to view the machine. Crime scene.
In the discussion about robots collecting field evidence will include several ways: The first is the most common 360-degree HD video. The second is the use of Bluetooth or wifi-like remote control of the signal, to ensure that no one on the scene can change the evidence (provided that the acquisition has not been passive before). The third type is the use of ultrasound, dynamic capture, or infrared data acquisition for specific evidence.
They also mentioned an instant field trip to the technology of rendering real-time 3D images that can be combined with Google's Tango project. Either way, it proves that there are more development directions and greater development space for virtual reality.