Apple's 4 price collapse collapse

Hong Kong version iphone4 had a price avalanche some time ago. On the surface, it was because in the US version of the iphone4 jailbreak, unveiling unlocked software and the triple pressure of China Unicom's iphone4, JS was forced to “lower the arrogant head of the people”, however, This heavy smokescreen, the truth, was only in the daytime until today: a news from Kubidino (Apple headquarters) said that an Apple employee named Paul Shin Devine had been leaked to Asian suppliers for leaking the Apple iPhone. The price tag of the ipod product was sued by the federal jury for accepting commercial bribery.

Officials said Paul Shin Devine, who lives in Sunnyvale, was arrested on Sunday on charges of cyber fraud, money laundering, and commercial bribery.

Devine, 37, was charged with receiving up to $1.4 million in commercial rebates to provide Apple's suppliers in Asia with confidential information on related products. The supplier used this information to negotiate prices with Apple. Take the upper hand and let Apple's interests suffer huge losses.

"In the business world, Apple has always been committed to building lofty integrity and ethical standards," said company spokesperson Steve Dowling. "We have zero patience for shameful fraud from inside or outside the company!"

The official stated that a supplier named Andrew Ang in Singapore was also suspected of participating in this espionage. Ang has been included in the investigation list by the federal court. The official did not comment further on Ang. Devine has been arrested by the U.S. judiciary, but No further news was released. He will attend a court hearing in San Jose on Wednesday, US time.

So, the iphone4 that is poured out from Asian suppliers should have a much higher profit margin than the previous generation of iphone 3Gs, so there is a lot of room for decline. The author wants to tell Devine who has never met. "You have worked hard!" For the sake of the happiness of tens of millions of suppliers in Asia, you risked being cursed and reviled by the western society that has always attached importance to the integrity of your personality. The bribe ... 1.4 million US dollars, has led to the transformation of the fate of millions of Asian iPhone users, the entire mainland market is also shaking ... Talent ah! All the best!

Power Meter 2 Rates

Power Meter is a monitoring and testing instrument which determines the power consumption of a connected appliance and the cost of the electricity consumed.

Installing the batteries

Install 3.6V rechargeable Battcrics(NI-MH) . The purpose of the batteries is to store the total electricity and mcinory setting.


If an abnormal display appears or the buttons produce no response, the instrument must be reset. To do this,press the RESET button.

Display Mode

Entire LCD can be displayed for about 1 minute and then it automatically gets into Model. To transfer from one mode to the other, press the FUNCTION button.

Mode 1: Time/Watt/Cost Display Display duration(how long) this device connect to power source.LCD on first line shows 0:00 with first two figures mean minutcs (2 figures will occur while occur at 10 min) and the rest shows seconds. After 60mins, it displays 0:00 again with first two numbers meas hour(2 figures will occur at 10hours) and the rest shows minutes. The rest can be done in the same manner which means after 24 hours, it will rc-caculatc. LCD on second line displays current power which ranges in 0.0W~9999W. LCD on third line displays the current electricity costs which ranges in 0.0cost~9999cost. It will keep on O.OOcost before setting rate without other figures.

Mode 2: l ime/Cumulative electrical quantity Display Display duration(how long) this device connect to power source.

LCD on first line shows 0:00 with first two figures mean minutes(2 figures will occur while occur at 10 min) and the rest shows seconds. After 60mins, it displays 0:0() again with first two numbers meas hour(2 figures will occur at 10hours)and the rest shows minutes. The rest can be done in the same manner which means after 24 hours, it will re-caculate. LCD on second line displays current cumulative electrical quantity which ranges in 0.000K WH 〜 9999KWII without other figures. LCD on third line displays''DAY''- "1 "will be showed on numerical part(thc other three figures will be showed at carry) which means it has cumulated electrical quantity for 24hours(one day). The rest can be done in the same manner untial the maximal cumulative time of 9999 days.

Mode 3: Time/Voltage/Frequency Display LCD on first line displays the same as Mode 1 dones. LCD on second line displays current voltage supply (v) which ranges in 0.0V~9999V .LCD on third line displays current frequency (HZ) which ranges in 0.0HZ~9999HZ without other figures.

Mode 4: Time/Current/Power Factor Display LCD on first line displays the same as Mode 1 dones.

LCD on second line displays load current which ranges in 0.0000A~9999A. LCD on third line displays current power factor which ranges in 0.00PF 〜 1 .OOPF without other figures.

Mode 5:Time/Minimum Power Display LCD on first line displays the same as Mode 1 clones. LCD on second line displays the miniinum power which ranges in 0.0W~9999W. LCD on third line displays character of "Lo" without other figures.

Mode 6: I,ime/Maximal Power Display LCD on first line displays the same as Mode 1 dones. LCD on second line displays the maximal power which ranges in 0.0W~9999W. LCD on third line displays character of "Hi" without other figures.

Mode 7: Time/Price Display LCD on first line displays the same as Mode 1 dones. LCD on third line displays the cost which ranges in O.OOCOST/KWH 〜 99.99COST/KWH without other figures.
Overload Display: When the power socket connects the load over 3680W, LCD on second line displays the"O VER LOAD" with booming noise to warn the users,( 60470643, 60469303,selectable choice)
Supplemental informations:
1: Except tt OVERLOAD , ' interface, LCD on first line display time in repitition within 24hours.
2: LCD on first line, second line or third line described in this intruction take section according to two black lines on LCD screen. Here it added fbr clarified purpose.
3. Mode 7 will directly occur while press down button "cost".
4. [UP"&''Down" are in no function under un-setting mode.
Backlight Mode:
Connect to AC power,backlight im mediately light,if not press any button,backlight will went off in 15 seconds.
When press any of the buttonsbacklight start light again. (Backlight only light when it connect to AC power,backlight cannot light if use battery)
Setting Mode
1. Electricity price setting
After keeping COST button pressed lasting more than 3 seconds(LCD on third line display system defaults price, eg O.OOCOST/KWH ),the rendered content begins moving up and down which means that the device has entered the setting mode. Then press FUNCTION button to change selection and press UP/DOWN to set what you want. (On pressing once, the figure after domical point will increase or decrease accordingly. On pressing and hold-on, figures after demical point will increase or decrease slowly in 2 seconds while figures change quickly when hold-on time exceeds 2 seconds. When hold-on time reaches 10 seconds or more, the figures after demical point will stop while the figures before demical point begin to increasing or decreasing.) After that, press FUNCTION fbr swithing, then press [UP'nd "DOWN" button again to set value which ranges in OO.OOCOST/KWH 〜 99.99COST/KWH. After setting all above, press COST to return to Mode7 or it will automatically return to Mode7 without any pressing after setting with data storage.

Power meter double rates, power meter two rates, cost rate socket, power meter cost rate, energy meter cost rate, cost socket, cost plug


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